Sunday, April 6, 2008

Webelos, Blue and Gold Dinner

Colum earned his Webelos patch in February.
Cub Scout Pack Mtg

The theme of the Blue and Gold dinner was Chinese New Year, hence the decorations. Colum made a rat cake using fondant icing. It looked great but the icing was just a bit too thick so it was not yummy. The cake itself was good, but the icing was terrible!! He needs to roll the fondant icing a lot thinner next time!! I made the dragon myself using directions for making a paper dragon out of tissue paper and toothpicks. Not too bad, eh?
For those of you who don't know much about scouting, now that Colum has earned his Webelos patch, he has another year before he can bridge over to Boy Scouts from Cub Scouts. Colum told me the other day he would like to make Eagle Scout. We will help him make that happen!

1 comment:

A b said...

Congradulations, Colum. You are following in the footsteps of your father and grandfather, and, maybe some grandinlaws!
Be Prepared.